APAA Taiwan 50周年慶祝晚宴已於2022.12.8.舉行,感謝各位會員熱情出席和支持,使50周年晚宴順利進行,圓滿成功


【2022年12月8日(四)下午6:30 APAA Taiwan 50周年晚宴】


APAA Taiwan Group 50th Anniversary Agenda
地點:寒舍艾美酒店 琥珀廳(Le Méridien Taipei, Amber Room)
地址:110台北市信義區松仁路38號(38 SongRen Road, Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan)


時間(Time) 流程(Schedule)
18:00-18:30 報到入場 (Cocktail Reception)
18:30-18:40 APAA Taiwan Group照片回顧影片 (Photo Review of the History of APAA Taiwan)
18:40-18:43 開幕致詞 何愛文理事長(Welcome Remarks by Dr. Joyce I. Ho, President of APAA
 Taiwan Group)
18:43-19:15 貴賓致詞(Remarks by Distinguished Guests)
 智慧財產及商業法院 陳院長駿璧(Ms. Chun-Pi Chen, President, Intellectual
 Property and Commercial Court)
 經濟部 王部長美花(Ms. Mei-Hua Wang, Minister, Ministry of Economic Affairs)
 經濟部智慧財產局 洪局長淑敏(Ms. Shu-Min Hong, Director General, Taiwan
  Intellectual Property Office)
  Mr. Greg Munt, President of APAA
  Mr. Hari Subramaniam, President Elect of APAA
  Mr. Kei Iida, President of APAA Japan Group
  Mr. D.J. Lee, President of APAA Korea Group合照(Group Photo)
19:15-19:30 APAA 2006高雄年會及APAA 2019台北年會影片回顧(Video Review of APAA 2006
 Kaohsiung Conference & APAA 2019 Taipei Conference)
19:30-19:40 資深會員頒獎(Award to Honor Senior Members of APAA Taiwan Group)
 合照(Group Photo)
19:40-19:55 理監事合唱(Choir by APAA Taiwan Councilors)
19:55-20:25 歷屆理事長及資深會員祝賀影片(Video of Congratulatory Remarks by Former
 Presidents and Senior Members of APAA Taiwan Group
20:25-21:00 現場樂團表演(Live Band Performance)